Course Description
Offering a 15-minute free consult is the best way to see if you and your potential client are a good match. I will walk you through the MOST effective way to do this so your clients see you as an expert who they will want to pay, rather than trying to use you for free. I want you to STOP being what I call a "Health Coach Hobbyist"
During this training, I will teach you:
- What to say when someone says they have a "quick question" or asks to pick your brain about a grandma (kid, spouse etc)
- The exact dialogue to use when you get ON the free consult
- How to avoid giving away information during the free consult
- How to honor yourself as a business person
- Redirecting the potential client to see you as an expert and not someone who does this for free
- Why you might be the one sabotaging yourself
- How to start being taken seriously as a coach
- What language to use when you end the free call IF they are still trying to get free info
- Why it's ok if someone doesn't hire you
- What to do and say if someone says you're too expensive
Founder of IFHC™, mentor to wellness professionals and coaches
Carmen Hunter
Course curriculum
Video Training
Experts Resources Announcement
How to close more clients with the 15-minute consultation