Course Description


The Curriculum 

Each module is delivered through our Institute portal and is self-paced.  Some of the lessons will navigate into other weeks as new content is added and updated.  This outline is brief and doesn't represent the sheer amount of rich content you will receive.  This is only a guideline to show you a brief of the content. Other industry experts will also teach additional modules and health-related interviews and content.

Week 1: Introduction to Functional Health Coaching 

•All about the seven essentials for optimal health and how to incorporate them into the coaching experience 

•The basics of building a health coaching business (setting up the legalities, how to SAFELY coach within scope, what's necessary to get started, taxes, licenses and more)

•What you should and should not focus on at the beginning of your career; I will cut
through the overwhelm so that you can devote focus where you need to.

Week 2: Setting Your Business Up for Success 

•What the functional health coaching 3-month approach looks like

•How to set up effective service options for one-on-ones and groups as well as price
your services

•How to set up online payment processing for your clients

•What to do after you’ve received a business inquiry

•How to master a free 15-minute consultation that converts into a paying client

•How to stop information diggers in their tracks

Week 3: Safety and the Client Intake Process 

•How to stay low-risk and within your scope of practice

•How to use safe language so that you don’t get into legal trouble

•What words you should never use

•The differences in meeting clients offline versus online and what you should be aware

•How to have success with intake sessions, both offline and online

•Why the provided high-mileage intake form is so effective and how it can save you time and help you look proficient in any health topic

•How to use the intake form to help your clients get to the root of their issues

•Why it’s so important to have the intake form filled out prior to the first session

Week 4: Safety and the Client Intake Process Continued 

•How to structure the intake call to put your client at ease with the coaching process and make them realize the importance of what they are partaking in

•How to recommend resources and make suggestions to your client in a way that will empower them to act while avoiding overwhelm

•You’ll have the opportunity to listen in while I walk various clients through the initial intake session using the information you learned in the last module

Week 5: Following Up with Clients After the First Session 

•How to effectively follow up with clients after the initial intake session

•How to establish accountability and support your client in between sessions

•How health wish lists can transform the client experience

Week 6: Making the Most of Your Time and Making a Bigger Impact 

•How to practice a more general approach

•How much time you should schedule in between sessions

•How to stop reinventing the wheel

•How to use templates such as the provided food and thyroid guides to save you time

Week 7: Mastering the Second Client Session 

•How to continue the education process with your client

•How to create an action plan to keep your clients on track in between sessions

•How to uncover client struggles and support accomplishments

•How to effectively follow up after the second session

Week 8: The Exit Session 

•How to ensure the client has everything they need to sustain the changes made during your coaching program

•How to make the best use of the exit form and determine if your clients need further support

•How to collect testimonials from your clients that will help grow your business 

Week 9: Mid-Course Reminders and Success Barriers 

  • How to overcome the barriers that block the success of many health coaches 

Week 10: Offering a One-Time Food Review Session 

•How to use the provided Food Review Template to acclimate potential clients to the health coaching experience and drum up potential business

•Why the Food Review is such a powerful tool 

Week 11: Success with Group Coaching 

•Why group coaching should be an integral component to your business model

•The framework and guidelines for success with group coaching

•The differences between online and in-person group coaching and how to choose
which is best for you

•Structuring your group coaching program for maximum effectiveness

•The basics of a group participation disclaimer

•How to price group coaching services

•How to use the comprehensive food guide as a framework for a group coaching
program focused on clean eating

•How to use the provided sleep guide as the framework for a group coaching program
focused on healthy sleep habits

Week 12: Working with Chronic Conditions 

•How to be an investigator for your clients, especially those who are suffering from complex and/or chronic conditions

•What chronic conditions are and how to safely work with these types of clients

•You’ll have the opportunity to study real client scenarios, complete with their session
forms, recommendations, follow-up plans, and results 

Week 13: Working with Weight Loss Clients 

•How to safely work with clients who are interested in or need to lose weight

•Learn the additional barriers to helping clients who are at a weight loss plateau

•You’ll have the opportunity to study real client scenarios, complete with their session
forms, recommendations, follow-up plans, and results 

Week 14: Understanding Lab Tests 

•Why regular lab tests are an important part of a wellness plan

•The different types of labs and what they should be used for

•How to review lab results with your client without stepping outside of your scope

•How to find a doctor that will order lab tests for your client if their current physician will not

•The most reputable places for ordering lab tests online

•How to safely discuss supplements with your clients

Week 15: Marketing Your Health Coach Business 

•Suggested ways for marketing your business both online and offline

•Exercises for identifying your ideal client, your core messaging and your niche pitch

•Why you may want to consider outsourcing your marketing and how to do so without
breaking your budget

•Our personal recommendations for cost-effective marketing solutions

•Why an email list is so important and how to build one

•How to take advantage of email marketing to connect with your audience

Week 16: The Basics of Program Launching 

•How to find out what your ideal client wants before devoting time and energy into creating a launch product

•The steps you need to take to launch a program, course or summit

•How to create an effective webinar slide deck for your program launch

Week 17: How to Safely Work with Thyroid Clients 

•How to safely work with clients who may or may not be dealing with a thyroid condition

•How to use the provided 50+ page thyroid guide with your thyroid clients for education and empowerment

Bonus:  Health and Medical Freedom Matter:  A training on how to empower your clients to trust themselves and to feel empowered by using health tools at home.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to IFHC!

    • Welcome to IFHC's health coaching course!

    • Watch this first- The Seven Essentials Explained

    • Infographic for Seven Essentials

  • 2

    Affiliate Links and Resources

    • Affiliate Links and Resources

    • Practice Better Instructions

  • 3

    How To Video Trainings

    • HOW TO: Create a bitly link

    • HOW TO: Use Zoom

    • HOW TO: Make an image for social media quickly

    • HOW TO: Upload a video into you tube

    • HOW TO: Create a note in your personal Facebook page to promote your business

    • HOW TO: Create a group in Facebook (also how to create polls, pin posts)

    • HOW TO: Create an event in Facebook

    • HOW TO: How to find and use your search box on Facebook

    • HOW TO: Go Live on Facebook from Zoom

    • How to use Google Forms Tutorial

    • How to make a Google Doc Fillable Video Tutorials

    • How to create a Fillable Word Doc in Microsoft - Video Tutorial

    • How to Create a Fillable PDF Document - Video Tutorial

    • How to Download Recordings from Zoom & Upload to YouTube & Back up in Dropbox

    • A Health and Medical Freedom Approach to Coaching

  • 4


    • Mistakes coaches make when buidling their business - PDF

    • Launch Timeline

    • 7 Essentials for Optimal Health - PDF

    • Helpful Labs

    • Pure Gold Resources - Health Coach Resource Guide - PDF

    • Kick Start Guide - PDF - updated 4.16.18

    • What a health coach can do for you- GREAT PDF to post in your groups, business pages and use with marketing

    • Do's and don'ts for health coaches

    • EP & A Intake process step by step

    • Doctor vs. Health Coach

    • How to be a successful Studernt and have a successful business

    • The Formula

  • 5

    Week One - Module 1 - Welcome & Getting Started

    • Practice Better Client Platform Tool - PDF - ADDED 5.1.18

    • Getting Started with the Basics - VIDEO

    • Get Started

    • The Niche

    • Kick Start Guide Video

    • Health Coach Kick Start Guide - Updated 2023

    • Pure Gold Resources - Health Coach Resource Guide - PDF

    • Seven ideas for group coaching

    • Updated No Niche No Problem Webinar


    • The Niche

    • The Intake Forms

    • Mastering the Seven Essentials-A brandable whole living guide for using with your clients

  • 6

    Week One - Module 2 - Opt-In Templates

    • Opt-In Video

    • Opt-in Templates

  • 7

    Week One - Module 3 - Scope of Practice

    • The Functional Health Coach - Scope of Practice

    • Scope of Practice

    • What is a Health Coach? - PDF

    • Week One Quiz

  • 8

    Week Two - Module 1 - Fees, Payments & Services

    • Fees and Services - What to Expect

    • Fees and Services - An Example (brandable)

    • Fees and Services Timing & Tips

    • Payment Options

    • Payment Options PDF

    • Client Intake Whiteboard

    • How to Tell People What You Do

  • 9

    Week Two - Module 2 - The Initital Inquiry and Timelines

    • Initial Inquiry & Overcoming Doubt

    • Inquiry and Overcoming Doubt

    • Rough Guide & Coaching Timeline

    • How to Stop the "Brain Pickers" - VIDEO

    • IFHC Timeline

    • After the Initial Inquiry

    • The Free Consultation Training

    • Free Consult - Session Example

    • Week Two Quiz

  • 10

    Week Three - Module 1 - The Intake Sessions

    • Introduction to the Intake form video

    • Intake session 1 of 3

    • Intake Session 2 of 3

    • Intake session 3 of 3

    • Intake form template instructions video

    • How to Make Gmail HIPPA Compliant updated 4.16.18

  • 11

    Week Three - Module 2 - Safe Language

    • Cutting Risk Safe language PowerPoint Presentation

    • Safe Language video

    • Safe Language Guide tips video

    • Cutting the risk and safe language

    • Safe Language in Coaching (examples)

    • Safe Language Guide and Tips

    • Safety Webinars - PDF

    • Safe Language Exchange ideas (client asks-coach says)

  • 12

    Week Three - Module 3 - First Session

    • First session online tips video

    • Session one in person tips video

    • Session one in person tips pdf

    • Online Sessions Tips

    • Week Three Quiz

  • 13

    Week Four - Module 1 - The Intake Form

    • Introduction to the Intake form video

    • Introduction to the intake form

    • First Intake form instructions for use

    • Google Forms Tutorial

    • Intake Form Template

  • 14

    Week Four - Module 2 - Examples & Safe Coaching

    • Listening to the audio example

    • 4 Example of a First Session with Aymie

    • Top 5 Words to Avoid

    • Week Four Quiz

    • Example 1: Lisa J - Session One - PDF

    • Lisa J - Post Session #1 Recommendations - PDF

    • Example 2: Taylor P - Session 1 - PDF

    • Example 3: Allison H Intake Form - PDF

    • Allison H - Recorded Session - Video

  • 15

    Week Four - Module 3 - Motivational Interviewing

    • Introduction to Motivational Interviewing

    • Resources for Motivational Interviewing

  • 16

    Week Five - Module One - Post Session

    • Post-Session Recommendations VIdeo

    • Post Consult Recommendations and Suggestions - PDF

    • Email recommendation - example

    • Health Wish List video

    • Health Wish List - example

    • Researching Resources - VIDEO

    • Example 1: Allison H - Recommendations post first session VIdeo

    • Allison H post session recommendations with downloadable links

    • Allison H - Post Session Recommendations - PDF

    • Video for Allison H.'s session

    • Example 2: Taylor P - Post Session #1 Recommedations - PDF

    • Example 3: Taylor Post Session Recommendations #4

  • 17

    Week Five - Module Two - Doctors Template

    • Doctors Template - Video

    • Doctors Template - Instructions (PDF)

    • Successful Doctors Appointment - Video

    • Additional Doctors Template & Resourses UPDATED 4.15.18

    • Week Five Quiz

  • 18

    Week Six - Module 1 - Sessions Timing

    • How Much Time in Between Consults - video

    • How Much Time Between Sessions - PDF

  • 19

    Week Six - Module 2 - Don't Re-invent the Wheel

    • Stop Re-inventing the Wheel - Video

    • Stop Re-inventing the Wheel - PDF

  • 20

    Week Six - Module 3 - Mastering the 7 Essentials Guide (formerly Whole Food Guide)

    • Whole Food Template - Video

    • Step by Step Editing the Mastering the 7 Essentials Guide - PDF

    • Mastering the 7 Essentials to Optimal Health Guide (formerly Whole Food Guide) Template - WORD format

    • Week Six Quiz

  • 21

    Week Six - Module 4 - Anatomy and Physiology Basics

    • Anatomy & Physiology Basics

    • System Actions in the Body

    • Macro/Micro Nutrient Basics

    • Resources for Anatomy & Physiology

    • Autoimmunity

    • Cholesterol

    • GERD Document

    • H Pylori Resources

  • 22

    Week Seven - Module 1 - Second Session

    • Second Session Intake Form - Video

    • How to Use the Second Session Intake Form - Video

    • How to Use the Second Session Intake Form - PDF

    • IFHC Approach - PDF

    • Second Session Intake - Word Format

    • Example 1: Taylor P - Follow Up & Labs Session

    • Example 2: Lisa J - Follow Up Sessions Two & Three

  • 23

    Week Seven - Module 2 - Third Session

    • Third Session Intake - Video

    • How to Use the Third Session Intake - Video

    • How to Use the Third Session Intake Form -PDF

    • Third Session Intake Form - WORD Format

    • Week Seven Quiz

  • 24

    Week Eight - Module 1 - Final Session

    • Final Session - Video

    • How to Use the Final Session Intake Form - Video

    • How to Use the Final Session Intake Form - PDF

    • Final Session Intake Form - WORD format

  • 25

    Week Eight - Module 2 - Testimonials

    • Testimonial Template - Video

    • How to use the Testimonial Form - Video

    • How to Use the Testimonial Request form - PDF

    • Testimonial Request Template

    • Week Eight Quiz

  • 26

    Week Nine - Module 1 - Barriers to Success

    • Barriers to Success - Video

    • Barriers to Success - PDF

  • 27

    Week Nine - Module 2 - Mid-Session Reminders

    • Mid-Course Reminders and Warnings - Video

    • Mid-Course Reminders - PDF

    • Week Nine Quiz

  • 28

    Week Ten - Food & Lifestyle Review (one time session suggestion)

    • Food & Lifestyle Review - Video

    • When to Use - Food and Lifestyle Review - Video

    • When to Use - Food and Lifestyle Review - PDF

    • Food and Lifestyle HC Review Template - WORD Format

    • Week Ten Quiz

  • 29

    Week Eleven - Module 1 - Intro to Group Coaching

    • Group Coaching Outline - Video

    • Group Coaching Guideline - Video

    • Group Coaching Guidelines 2017 - PDF

    • Group Coaching Disclaimer Example - PDF

    • Group Coaching - The Gateway - Video

    • Group Coaching Gateway PDF

    • Group Coaching Tips and Resources Outline - PDF

    • Gold Resources to use for Group Ideas - PDF

    • Whole food group coaching template

    • How to do Free Talks without giving it all away - ADDED 5/24/18

    • Mid Course Reminder

    • Free class topics leading to paid class

    • 💥NEW - A DFY Coaching Program option for you

  • 30

    Week Eleven - Module 2 - Mastering the Seven Essentials Guide

    • Whole Food Template - Video

    • Mastering the Seven Essentials Guide

    • Mastering the Seven Essentials Guide Template- Word Document

    • Step by Step Guide to Editing Mastering the Seven Essentials Guide

    • The Food Guide as a Group Coaching Template (Example) - Video

    • Videos Links for the Food Group - Word Document

    • Whole food group coaching template

  • 31

    Week Eleven - Module 3 - The Sleep Guide

    • Sleep Template - Video

    • Sleep Template FINAL 2017 - PDF

    • Sleep Guide Template - Word Document

    • Videos Links for The Sleep Group - Word Document

    • Week Eleven Quiz

  • 32

    Week Twelve - Module 1 - Chronic Conditions

    • Chronic Conditions - Video

    • Chronic Condition Explanation - PDF

    • Researching Client Conditions & Symptoms - Timeline Example - PDF

  • 33

    Week Twelve - Module 2 - Client Example

    • Brenda B Intake - Video

    • Brenda B - Video

    • Email Recommendations for the Brenda Block Call - PDF

    • Brenda Recommendations - Video

    • Brenda B Example - PDF

    • Week Twelve Quiz

  • 34

    Week Thirteen - The Weight Loss Client

    • Weight Loss Common Mistakes - Video

    • Common Mistakes in Weight Loss - PDF

    • Weight Loss Example (Carmen's Notes in Blue) - PDF

    • Weight Loss Action Step Example - Kelly B - Word Document

    • Week Thirteen - Quiz

  • 35

    Week Fourteen - Lab Basics & Recommendations

    • Lab Basics and Recommendations - Video

    • Lab Basics and Recommendations - PDF updated 4.16.18

    • Lab Test Online Walk Through - Video

    • Labs for Class Example - PDF updated 4.16.18

    • Article on Supplements - PDF updated 4.16.18

    • Lab Training NEW VIDEO added 4.15.18

    • Dr. Alan and Carmen Talk about Labs

    • Dr. Alan Webinar added 4.15.18

    • Dr. Alan - Your Labwork - NEW VIDEO added 4.15.18

    • How To Incorporate Lab Testing Results into Your Coaching - POWEPOINT added 4.15.18

    • Tips on Clients and Labs - PDF added 4.16.18

    • Supplement Recommendation Guide - added 4.16.18

    • Medications Modalities Resources PDF added 4.16.18

    • Client Says | Coach says - PDF added 4.16.18

    • Week Fourteen - Quiz

  • 36

    Week Fifteen - Module 1 - Marketing

    • Marketing - Video

    • Marketing Basics - PDF

    • Amy Lippman Call - PDF

    • Positioning Exercise - PDF

    • Business Card Example - Carmen Hunter Health

    • Learn How to Build Your Own Website!!

  • 37

    Week Fifteen - Module 2 - Outsourcing

    • Outsourcing - Video

    • Outsourcing - PDF

    • Outsourcing Referral Basics - Video

    • Outsourcing Referral Basics - PDF

    • Week 15 - Quiz

  • 38

    Week Sixteen - Launch Info & Other Resources

    • How to do a Webinar - VIDEO

    • No Niche Slide Deck Example - PowerPoint file

    • Launch Basics - VIDEO

    • Helpful Terms for Launching - PDF

    • What Does Your Audience Need - VIDEO

    • Week Sixteen - Quiz

    • What does your audience need

  • 39

    Week Seventeen - Bonus Week - The Thyroid


    • Thyroid Guide

    • Thyroid Intake Template - Word Document

    • Thyroid Fatigue Ebook - Contribution by Izabella Wentz -

    • Thyroid Training Series Class #1

    • Thyroid Training Series Class #2

    • Thyroid Training Series Class #3

  • 40

    Health and Medical Freedom Matter Training

    • Definition of Freedom

    • Video training on health and medical freedom

    • Slide presentation on Health and Medical Freedom

    • Simple Tools to use at home

    • Freedom Reminders

    • Mastering the Seven Essentials-A simple approach to a healthier life

    • Thyroid Guide PDF

  • 41


    • Customizable Pantry Clean Out

  • 42

    GEMA OVERVIEW-Licensing, insurance etc.

    • GEMA overview information

  • 43

    AANWC/ANWCB Board Certification (Exam & Prep Course information)

    • ANWCB Board Certification Details

    • Board Certification Comparison Chart - ANWCB vs NBHWC

  • 44


    • Certificate of Completion

    • Congratulations! You've earned your Certificate of Completion in Functional Health Coaching!

    • Your feedback on this survey will help us help coaches and YOU even more!