Course Description
Helping Clients with Migraines
Migraine Specialist, Health Engineer, FDN
Erin Knight
Welcome! I’m Erin Knight: Your persistent problem solver, knowledgeable guide, migraine specialist, and genuine partner in your journey to discovering radiant health and freedom from chronic headaches. Having struggled with chronic headaches and migraines for over 10 years, I know what it is like to put on a brave face and smile through the pain in an effort to participate in life. At the same time, watching the work pile up and feeling like I was constantly missing out on all the fun social events every time I was down for the count with a blinding, nauseating migraine.Determined to get my life back, I started making a healthy diet, sleep routine and your typical “stress management” techniques part of my lifestyle and my headaches reduced from 4-5 days a week to “once in a while” – or just a few times a month. Unfortunately it was always the WORST days to be dealing with a throbbing headache – the day a big project was due, the day everyone was coming over to my house for dinner, the week I went on a much-deserved vacation. Can you relate??After a major health crisis and epic burnout at age 27 (another story for another day) I started to discover a field of integrative, holistic medicine called functional medicine and the idea of managing our health at a functional level. Being a process-minded chemical engineer, thinking about how systems work and interrelate is simply FASCINATING to me. It made intuitive sense to me that restoring the function of our basic systems (hormonal, digestion, detoxification and immune systems) and allowing the body to recalibrate was a more logical, sustainable way to recover health than simply treating the LONG list of chronic symptoms I was starting to amass at the time (chronic nerve and muscle pain, extreme fatigue, brain fog, IBS, food reactions, declining dental health, etc) without ever questioning what was out of balance or malfunctioning in the first place.It was scary at first. Having grown up around conventional medicine, working in the pharmaceutical industry myself, I was choosing the less obvious route. But asking why and figuring out how complex systems work and finding solutions is in my nature and I went about learning from experienced clinicians and puzzling the pieces together as discovered the genetic components, an opportunity to heal my gut, support detoxification and reduce internal biochemical stress. I slowly and surely regained my energy, mental focus and most importantly freedom from the pain radiating through the right side of my body. Inspired by what it could mean to help people discover their own healing opportunities and guide them to building a radiant health beyond their imaginations, I hit the books and became certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. I decided to pursue helping people as a migraine specialist.In deciding WHO I felt most called to serve, I suddenly realized I was no longer having those “once-in-a-while” (but somehow terribly inconvenient) migraines. Balancing my hormones, optimizing my digestion and supporting my genetic disadvantages nutritionally had taken me to a new level of freedom from migraines without me even realizing it. First, a happy dance was in order.Then I felt surprised that no one was talking about this yet! No one was sharing this huge secret. It is possible to build resilience – build a solid foundation of health – to the extent that we are not as sensitive to the stresses and triggers that once brought on a headache or migraine. Whoa…So where does that leave us?As a health engineer and migraine specialist, I will work with you to understand the latest science and how it applies to your unique genetics, stress-load and history. I am highly trained in root cause analysis and have a passion for tackling the real problem behind your migraine headaches and accompanying chronic symptoms like IBS, dermatitis and fatigue. Think of me as your partner in troubleshooting.I am here to reveal that spark!Does a tiny voice deep inside talk about how if you only had the time, you would learn how to take beautiful pictures with your fancy new camera? If you only had the energy, you would plan a trip to Machu Pichu? If you only had your own life together, you would save the world?Well as we are all too aware, we each get exactly 24 hours in a day. The ONLY way to “have more time” is to improve your health to the point that you are bursting at the seams with energy. Imagine how much you could accomplish if you were radiant with energy and free from the burden of migraine headaches?I am a migraine specialist. I help people determine what is holding them back and plan concrete steps to break through to feeling great. Of course I am not a magician. I don’t pretend to have all the answers and admit this process can seem like work at times. I am constantly reading the latest books and studies as we are making new connections about how our bodies work every month. My commitment as a health engineer is to deliver the best of what I am learning and provide resources and services to help you as an individual.<
Course curriculum
Module One
Module Two
Module Three
Types of Migraine
Module Four
How To Help Your Clients Feel Understood
Module Five
Relief Tips
Module Six