Course Description

During this 80-minute, value-packed training, Carmen will teach you:

  • What to say when someone says they have a "quick question" or asks to pick your brain about a grandma (kid, spouse etc)
  • The exact dialogue to use when you get ON the free consult
  • How to avoid giving away information during the free consult
  • How to honor yourself as a business person
  • Redirecting the potential client to see you as an expert and not someone who does this for free
  • Why you might be the one sabotaging yourself 
  • How to start being taken seriously as a coach
  • What language to use when you end the free call IF they are still trying to get free info
  • Why it's ok if someone doesn't hire you
  • What to do and say if someone says you're too expensive

Founder of IFHC™, mentor to wellness professionals and coaches

Carmen Hunter

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Conduct A Free Consultation

    • Experts Resources Announcement

    • How to Close Clients with the FREE 15 Minute Consultation

    • Stop Being A Health Coach Hobbyist

    • Free Consult - Session Example