Course Description

20 million Americans are suffering from problems with their thyroid gland. Up to 60% of those with thyroid disease are undiagnosed. What happens when one of them becomes your client?  

As health coaches, we could be missing a huge piece of the puzzle if we aren't able to safely help our clients identify and address issues affecting their thyroid! We can do this and still stay in our lane as health coaches. Take the Thyroid Course today!

Founder of IFHC™, mentor to wellness professionals and coaches

Carmen Hunter

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Thyroid Course

    • Experts Resources Announcement

    • Thyroid Guide PDF

    • Thyroid Training Part 1

    • Thyroid Training Part 2

    • Thyroid Training Part 3

    • Thyroid Training Part 4

    • Resources (Forms and Templates)